What are the benefits of DNA Testing for health?
– 87% of participants felt that knowing their DNA information related to diet was helping them to eat healthier for their bodies.
– 89% believed that knowing their DNA information related to diet would help them understand their health better.
– 63% of participants felt that knowing their DNA information related to diet was helping them with specific foods and meals to eat healthier for their body.
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

We couldn’t agree with this more. At dnaPower, we believe DNA testing holds the key to empowering data that acts as a roadmap to your best self.
The benefits of DNA testing for health and wellness lie in helping you make informed decisions about your health, providing science-backed data on disease prevention and improved quality of life. With better information about your body comes better protection.
Over the years, we have witnessed life-long health benefits and transformations in those who have harnessed the power of genetic data. So naturally, we were curious to learn precisely how DNA testing has benefited others and in what way.
Fortuitously, we were honoured to be requested by Kwantlen Polytechnic University in Vancouver, British Columbia, to take part as a technology partner in their study to compare the value of self-driven DNA reports versus practitioner-led DNA reports.
Furthermore, the study also analyzed the impact of DNA testing and its effect on one’s knowledge, attitudes and motivation to make positive changes for health. *As a technology partner, the study was conducted using dnaPower buccal swabs, and DNA results were provided to the participants using dnaPower reports.*
We believe sustainable, positive changes to health are best made through small but substantial improvements in dietary and lifestyle habits. Hence, what we found most interesting were the parameters measured in the study that represented a DNA report’s ability to evoke changes in:
· A participant’s knowledge of how to improve their health.
· A participant’s motivation for better health.
· A participant’s behavioural changes related to eating habits

DNA Testing’s Impact On Changes in Knowledge, Attitudes, And Motivation
More than 90% of respondents indicated that the data from the DNA test helped them understand their health better and motivated them to take action related to healthy eating.
DNA Testing’s Impact On Facilitating Eating Behaviour Change
Participants felt motivated to take action on the information received, especially because the genetic data was specific to them.
“In the past, I would be making all my selections and choices based on the general knowledge of a good lifestyle, but now I know more about myself, and so I make personal choices. ”
Professional Guidance With DNA Results

We found a stark difference between how confident participants felt with the guidance of a dietitian to review their results versus interpreting the results on their own.
Over 50% of participants who received a consult with the DNA results exhibited more confidence in healthy behavioural changes, such as:
- Reading nutrition labels more often
- Selecting healthier food choices at restaurants
- Purchasing healthier food
- Making healthier meals at home
Did you know? Our most comprehensive DNA test kit includes a complimentary 45-minute health consultation. Click here to learn more.
Ultimately, the study found an improvement across the board when participants were provided with tailored health recommendations. In addition, improvements were seen in fat and sodium intakes, overall diet quality, and quality of life.
Findings suggest that participants reaped the benefits of increased motivation to change their eating behaviours after receiving their DNA results.
However, several participants found some of the information complicated, mainly the information on vitamins and minerals and the application of food-based recommendations. Consequently, a report review with a dietitian significantly improved the participant’s understanding and actionable steps from their DNA findings.
“I think it was fantastic, especially if you are collaborating with someone you could physically talk to, and it would be more meaningful…having somebody to actually talk to and work through it together and say, “Okay, what does this all mean?” or “How does this all look?” really validates and reinforces the information that is contained in the book.”
DNA testing for health and wellness is a powerful tool that offers precise diet and lifestyle recommendations relevant to your body.
With tailored health information, one gains the necessary knowledge, motivation, and behavioural changes to take action on the information received. More importantly, one is more inclined to make positive changes for better health when the data is specific to them.
We find these findings compelling because, despite our best intentions, we may not always know how or be motivated to eat as healthy as we should without a concrete reason. Thus, a DNA report may act as the driving force for change, providing one with specific data to get on track to better health and longevity.