Success Stories
We've impacted the lives of 1000's of customers

"As a nutritionist and personal trainer, dnaPower has become the foundational platform that helps tailor all of my nutritional and lifestyle plans to each individual’s specific needs. Finally putting an end to people’s constant drive to find THE DIET that will give them the results they have been seeking. It has brought a new level of confidence to my coaching business and an immense sense of reward witnessing all of the success my clients have experienced simply by incorporating the new habits the DNA findings have armed them with."
Melanie – Partner / Nexus Fitness + Nutrition

"I was interested in dnaPower because I wanted to know how to prevent the repeat of cancer and prevention of Alzheimer's. One thing I found was that I needed to monitor my blood pressure regularly. I have also dropped morning coffee and have implemented supplements based on my results. Knowing my genetic results gives me confidence in what I am doing to improve my emotional and physical condition."
Richard - Customer

"I always considered myself an active person but after sustaining a knee injury years ago I became more and more inactive as the pain continued to get worse. I eventually ended up with inflammation throughout my body and was the heaviest I had ever been. The DNA test was a gift, I never thought I could learn anything that would help me get back on track. However the information I gained about my body has allowed me to adjust my eating and lifestyle habits significantly improving my inflammation and pain. I’m happy to say I have cut my pain meds in half and can now ride the stationary bike for 30 mins a day!"
Ed - Customer

"dnaPower enabled me and my clients to assess, program and re-evaluate their health goals based on the powerful impact of knowing your genetic predispositions."
Sarah Jamieson – CEO / Movement Coach, Moveolution

"dnaPower is, in a word, empowering as it provides genetic information about your ideal diet, fitness routines and overall wellness. dnaPower data reports are super easy to read, and it provides some of the lifestyle guidance that’s SO needed in combination with your results. This is truly how you can affect change, and your longevity. Being a nutritionist and a self-described ‘longevity enthusiast’, I can’t help but see a strong connection between this data and our diets."
Emma – Customer / Nutritionist

"No other programs were as comprehensive as this. I love how the results were easy to follow. Seeing my DNA results gave me the motivation I needed to remove certain foods from my diet for good. I feel empowered with a wealth of information that helps me make better decisions for my health!"
Natasha – Customer

"I love that dnaPower takes out the guesswork of “where to start” when making changes for health! Tools like this allowed me to apply the 80/20 principle and make a more targeted (and feasible!) plan for my nutrition. Thanks for helping me with my performance plan!"
Liz – Customer & Olympic Athlete

"dnaPower has helped me feel tremendously better. The results of the test showed me what I should be doing to optimize my health. I now supplement with high quality Omega 3’s, Vitamin B’s, and Vitamin D. The dietPower test results caused me to change my eating habits to more of a paleo lifestyle, upped my healthy fat intake, and stopped consuming caffeine completely. I also stopped eating so many carbs, and instead get most of my carbs from vegetables and fruits. After making these essential changes, I have less digestive issues, no more mind fog, and I now have more energy throughout the day and in my workouts. I think so much more clearly, and I know this has helped me in my personal life as well as in my career. With dnaPower, I finally feel like I can perform at my optimal level! This has contributed to my success as an athlete, which landed me a feature in Men’s Health Magazine."
Kimberly - Partner/ Fascial Stretch Therapist and Personal Trainer, TK Stretching

"Learning my DNA has been the answer to a 3 year journey of trying to discover why I was suffering from exhaustion, brain fog, weight gain, and then being diagnosed with Invasive Breast Cancer. The totalPower report helped me understand what my body needed and how I needed to support it better. I am totally amazed at how quickly my system has begun to heal now that I am eating based on my DNA. Literally, I began to feel so much better within days and have continued on that path. Without this test and the comprehensive reports provided, I don't know where I would be with my health right now."
Marina - Customer

"I love my dnaPower and it has seriously changed my life. I’ve gone between countless diets for years and everything my dnaPower results showed made sense to me. I feel like I’ve been freed and am now following my results closely. I’m looking forward to finally getting back to good health. Your company is amazing. Thank you so much!"
Tara - Customer

"Over the last decade of working with clients based on their personal DNA, I have seen how much easier it is to get my clients to their desired goal and to maintain it. As a coach, it’s given me much more confidence in the recommendations I’m providing. It eliminates a lot of trail and error, time and frustration. I also see my clients staying more dedicated to their plan because they know it’s actually designed for them. When my clients feel so much better on their diet and workout plans, they tend to want to stay on them for a forever lifestyle change rather than a fad or quick fix yo-yo diet. Healthy lifestyle becomes easy when they are on the right pathway."
Carmen - Partner/ Personal Trainer & Nutritional Coach, KarmaLife and AKA “The DNA Diva”

"After adjusting my diet and eating for my DNA I went down 4 dress sizes in just a few months! I feel like I can finally be the energetic, active woman I always knew I was."
Cynthia - Customer

"Many of the women I work with have been through dozens of diets and workout programs, so often they feel a bit hopeless. Will anything “work” for them? But, when they know that they’re getting a plan that’s tailored to their own body, it’s easier for them to buy in and commit to following it. And, we all know that adherence and consistency is what leads to results, so this confidence boost really helps."
Dave - Customer / Partner Personal Trainer & Life Coach, Make Your Body Work

"As a working mom with 2 teenagers I’ve always found excuses for not putting myself first. I’ve attempted different fad diets and exercise plans over the years but nothing has worked. I was always exhausted. Then I had my DNA tested and worked with the amazing team at dnaPower. The information from my test just made so much sense. I changed the way I exercised and started supplementing with the vitamins that my body so desperately needed. What a difference. I turn 50 next month and have never felt better."
Emma - Customer

"dnaPower has helped me tailor specific supplement protocols so I am not over treating anyone. It also has helped me identify specific immune deficiencies so I can supplement specifically and reduce sick days for myself and my patients. There is no better gift than that of health!"
Nicole - Partner

Unlock the full potential of your health with dnaPower. Since 2008, we've empowered individuals to make smarter, data-driven health decisions. Discover the most comprehensive DNA testing for health and wellness today.
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- Methylation testing
- 23andMe Connect
- SkinDNA