Meet Rick Fischer – HTMA Practitioner, Certified Health Coach, Nutritional Educator, Author, and Speaker.

Meet Rick!

Rick is a Certified Health Coach, Nutritional Educator, Author, Speaker, & an internationally recognized HTMA (Tissue Mineral Analysis) Practitioner. He helps individuals and practitioners connect the dots between nutritional imbalances and health concerns.

Rick Fischer is one of Canada's leading HTMA practitioners, and is frequently hired to teach HTMA principals and mineral-based health concepts to various health practitioners, including a large number of Functional Diagnostic Nutritionists, Functional Medicine Doctors, HTMA Practitioners, Osteopaths, Naturopaths, and more. Rick is also founder of the world's leading support site for copper toxicity ( and is at the global forefront of advancing support and understanding for this widespread yet silent epidemic that affects so many, especially women.
What gets you out of bed in the morning?
Every day brings a new chance to change someone's life for the better through health education and consultation. Living on Canada's West Coast, each new day also opens the door to adventuring in our beautiful outdoor natural playground! It's a beautiful world. We're blessed to play in it! What would an ideal world look like to you? A world where people are provided informed medical consent and are educated on the various ways that common mineral imbalances affect their physical and mental health, energy, and emotions.
How has the dnaPower test helped you and your clients?
As an industry leader in HTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis) as well as mineral-based health education, I work with countless clients connecting the dots between their symptoms and hidden mineral imbalances, as well as supporting their detoxification. While the HTMA shows where the client is at today, having genetic DNA data helps shed further light not only on predispositions for imbalances, but it can also help explain why clients may struggle with certain supplements. The HTMA provides important guidance on where detox support is needed, though the detox approach itself may need to be adjusted based on genetic impairments to detox. One of my areas of speciality is that of supporting women with copper toxicity, which often runs closely alongside estrogen dominance. While non-genetic factors are often at the root of these imbalances, in some cases when there is no obvious cause, genetics can help explain why a person may be holding on to more estrogen (or copper), or have a harder time detoxing. Likewise, a lot of my clients rely on a plant-based diet yet struggle with symptoms, and of course knowing their BCMO1 status can be very helpful in understanding their retinol conversion which in turn plays a key role in other aspects of health.
Which dnaPower report is your favourite and why?
Total, of course 😉 All aspects of health are interconnected. I find genetics related to fitness, diet, brain, detox, cardiovascular health etc all fascinating, but focusing solely on one area is like looking at just one piece of a jigsaw puzzle. Unless a client specifically requests a particular test, I would always suggest going with the Total.
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