dnaPower Partner Resource Page


On this Partner Resource Page, you will find support documents, reference materials, and a ready-made marketing kit to get you started as a dnaPower partner. 


Download your Social Media Kit. Includes example social media posts with photos and captions.
Download your Powerpoint deck to host educational workshops.
Download your PowerPoint deck to host educational workshops.
Download your PowerPoint deck to host educational workshops.


Download these sample reports to use them as a reference as marketing material or for reference material with prospective patients or clients.

Click the below links to download your dnaPower reports:




Please click here to download your detailed gene list.

* This information is intended for dnaPower partners and individuals taking the dnaPower certification course only and it is not intended for re-distribution.


Access your Affiliate Dashboard at https://www.dnapower.com/affiliate-area/ to get real-time information on your affiliate status, referrals, payouts, site visits, and more.
Forgot your affiliate link? Click here to affiliate name and affiliate URL.


Option 1: 
You and your client will have access to the DNA reports via the dnaPower Portal 

Option 1 Text Instructions

1. Visit www.dnapower.com and click ‘Customer Portal’ in the top right corner.
2. Click on the ‘Register’ link in the top right corner of the Sign In box to create an account for your client. You will need their email and create a password for them.
3. Click on the ‘Activate Kit’ button.
4. Enter your client's swab information as follows:
     a) Barcode
     b) Client's email
     c) Client's First Name
     d) Client's Last Name
     e) Gender
     f) Birthdate
     g) dnaPower Certified Partner Email (enter your partner email here)
5. Select the appropriate report ordered (Eg. totalPower or dietPower).
6. Accept Terms of Service.
7. Click 'Submit'.
8. Once your client's kit has been activated, you will see their swab registered under 'Reports' in their account and your practitioner account; the status should show the report as 'pending'.

Once your client’s reports are ready they will populate both in their own portal as well as yours (assuming they entered your email address when activating their swab). Please note that with this process your clients will have access to their reports at the same time you do.

Option 2:
Only you will have access to the DNA reports via the dnaPower Portal

Option 2 Text Instructions

1. Visit www.dnapower.com and click ‘Customer Portal’ in the top right corner.
2. Log in using your practitioner username and password.
3. On the left navigation bar, click on 'Activate Kit'. 
4. Enter your client's swab information as follows:
     a) Barcode
     b) Your Partner Email (or leave blank)
     c) Client's First Name
     d) Client's Last Name
     e) Gender
     f) Birthdate
     g) dnaPower Certified Partner Email (enter your partner email here)
5. Select the appropriate report ordered (Eg. totalPower or dietPower).
6. Accept Terms of Service.
7. Click 'Submit'.
8. Once your client's kit has been activated, you will see their swab registered under 'Reports' in their account and your practitioner account; the status should show the report as 'pending'.

An email will be delivered to you when your client's report is available in the portal. A friendly reminder that your clients will not have access to these reports, therefore you will need to send the reports to your clients directly.
Unlock the full potential of your health with dnaPower. Since 2008, we've empowered individuals to make smarter, data-driven health decisions. Discover the most comprehensive DNA testing for health and wellness today.
Give yourself or someone you love the Gift of Health. See our Holiday Health Bundle for more details.