Top Four Reasons Why People Stop Exercising (And Strategies To Get Moving Again)

Staying on top of a regular workout routine has never been more challenging in these unusual times. Around the world, we’ve dealt with lockdowns, closed gyms and restrictions. Even with the rules changing, sometimes work, time, money, weather, and fatigue can get to the best of us, derailing us from working out regularly and staying active.

If you can relate to the above and are ready to get your fitness back on track, here are some practical solutions to help you get moving again.

1. Inclement weather and lockdowns can be demotivating. 

We get it. With ever-changing weather patterns that may be less than ideal to exercise in, many choose to stay indoors. Most people do not enjoy exercising in cold, rainy, snowy or hot weather – neither do we! Where we live, we have dealt with heat domes, forest fire smoke, atmospheric rivers, torrential rains, floods, and unusual snowfalls. But there are plenty of ways to stay active while working out indoors (even if you don’t have a gym membership or your gyms are dealing with closures) while accommodating the inclement weather outdoors.

Strategies to exercise despite inclement weather:

Regularity Is Key.

Commit yourself to a regular workout routine at home or outside. Assign the same time and day of the week for exercise. For example, dedicate Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 8 am for a 45-minute workout. Regularity makes it easier for you to stay on track and committed to your daily goal.

Come Prepared.

Prepare your workout routine before you start. We recommend planning a simple circuit. For example, three sets of 15 rep push-ups, three sets of 15 rep sit-ups, 3 sets of 20 rep squats, three sets of 15 rep leg lunges, You can also search up great yoga or workout routines from YouTube. Or plan your outside walking or hiking route.

Have the right gear.

They say there is no bad weather, only bad clothing. If it rains and snows where you live, invest in great outdoor gear so that you can keep walking on your list of activities. It is not only good for the body, but it is also great for mental health to change your environment, get fresh air and keep your blood and metabolism moving.

Tailor Your Workout To Your Genes.

Create a workout plan that compliments your fitness genes. A workout plan that suits your genes will help you feel stronger faster, allowing you to recover quicker, attaining results more effectively. Some bodies work better with endurance exercise, while others prefer power exercises. Some muscles need heavier or lighter weights, and more or less recovery time. By doing so, you can improve the efficacy of your workouts, support muscle recovery, reduce muscle fatigue, and improve overall energy.

What does working out for your genes look like?

Let’s look at an example.

Sarah’s genes indicate that her body prefers Endurance Activities over Power Activities. In knowing so, we would recommend that she dedicate a majority of the week to endurance activities such as brisk walking, hiking, cycling, swimming, or hatha yoga. These exercises are invigorating enough for Sarah but not pushing her over the top so that she can upkeep a regular workout routine with ease.

To balance it off, we recommend Sarah dedicate just one or two days of the week to Power Activities such as weight training, HIIT workouts, or power yoga.

Sarah can get the most out of her workouts without feeling drained or burnt out by tailoring her weekly fitness goals according to her genes.

2. I’m too busy at work and have no energy to exercise. 

Though this may sound counterintuitive, if you’re feeling lethargic due to a busy schedule at work, not exercising is most likely adding to your fatigue.

Finding time to exercise before or after work, or even on your lunch break, can give you an instant boost of energy to last you through the day.

Try aiming for at least 30 minutes of exercise per day. Even if you did 10 minutes of exercise 3 times a day, you would be amazed at your fitness results and improved energy levels.

Strategies to fit in exercise when you have no time to exercise:

  • Schedule a 10-minute brisk walk before work.
  • Pair up with a workout buddy at work and climb stairs for 10 minutes at lunch.
  • Go for a quick 10-minute run or jog after work.
  • Walk to any destination whenever you can.
  • Reduce television or idle computer time. Or walk on the treadmill or cycle while watching TV.

3. My injury is preventing me from exercising.

For most injuries, you can find a way to exercise around the site of injury. For example, if you incurred a knee injury, focus on doing upper body exercises. By doing so, you can boost your metabolism and maintain muscle strength in your arms, chest, shoulders, and abs. For example, if you incurred an upper-body injury, focus on training your largest muscles with squats and lunges to increase your overall metabolism.

Ultimately, evaluate the location of your injury and determine which exercises will allow you to maintain muscle mass, exercise your heart, and stay active without extra strain on the site of injury. Follow the guidance of your physiotherapist or medical professional to determine movements that are suitable during your recovery.

4. I’m bored of the same exercises and activities.

The same repeating exercise routines can make you feel like you’re stuck in a workout rut.

So here are a few ways to switch things up and make being active fun again:

Find a workout buddy.
Get a family member or friend to work out together, helping you stay motivated while keeping each other accountable.

Change of environment.
If you’re used to going to your local gym, try switching up the gym location – varying from your usual routine and workout environment, or better yet – take your workout outside!

Discover new ways to be active.
Pick up a new sport. There are many ways to be social and active at the same time.

  • Sign up for ClassPass so you have access to different fitness studios in town. If activities are open, try a spin, fitness yoga or salsa class. Bring a friend.
  • Try mountain biking or road biking.
  • Search up new hikes and walks. Check out a different hike each week.
  • Join a (soccer, basketball, baseball, volleyball, curling, bowling, badminton, ping pong) league.
  • Search up fitness routines on YouTube such as yoga, body workouts, weights, and aerobics.
  • Look up used athletic equipment online and make a commitment to use it a minimum of twice a week.

The Bottom Line

A regular physical routine is vital to supporting a healthy body and mind. Despite the multitude of reasons why you may have derailed from your regular workout schedule, there are many creative ways to overcome those barriers.

The key is to stay consistent, maintain regularity and consistency in a way that makes sense for you, and lastly, don’t forget to have fun!

Get tailored recommendations on how your body likes to move.

Check out our fitPower DNA report for a comprehensive look on your fitness genes.


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