Mineral Mastery Course
An Essential Health Education
for Every Human

DNA Tests for Health, Diet, and Fitness | dnaPower
dnaPower Course 
Become DNA Certified to Uplevel Your Practice 

Mineral Mastery and dnaPower’s partnership combines advanced mineral-based nutrition with the power of both hair analysis and DNA testing, providing even greater insight to clients in helping them regain control over their longevity and health.

Mineral Mastery and dnaPower Certification Course Package
Get two vital educational courses plus one totalPower DNA test kit!

$1149.00 CAD
Mineral Mastery Education and dnaPower have partnered to bring personalized healthcare education to practitioners with a limited-time opportunity. Learn more about how to use DNA and hair tissue mineral analysis to support your clients’ health results for less (retail value $2818).


Mineral Mastery Education’s Mineral Mastery Course
This course is designed for anyone looking to find health answers, connect the dots between conditions and mineral imbalances, and discover ways to optimize and protect their health long-term.
dnaPower’s Certification Course
The dnaPower online certification training provides you with insights into diet and day-to-day health and everything you need to know about using and interpreting DNA tests within your business.

dnaPower’s totalPower Test
The most comprehensive genetic test for preventative health. 4 tests in 1 (includes dietPower, healthPower, fitPower, brainPower and a 45-minute personalized consultation).

Discover how Minerals are the Key to Health and Energy—Even Life Itself

Mineral Mastery is the quintessential home-study course bridging the current education gap on how mineral imbalances affect physical and mental health, and how to use minerals to increase energy, safely detox, and proactively protect health.

Find out how mineral imbalances are affecting you, your loved ones, and your clients, and how you can better protect health going forward.

Not sure you fully understand the value of DNA testing for your health practice?

No worries, we’ll teach you everything you need to know!

The dnaPower online certification training provides you with everything you need to know about using and interpreting DNA tests within your business. Not only will you learn about this fascinating and rapidly growing science but we will equip you with the tools you need to succeed. 
Empower yourself and your clients for better lifelong health

Despite the infinite connections between mineral imbalances and health conditions, so often standard medical care and nutrition protocols ignore these vital links.

Rick Fischer's educational services have helped thousands of practitioners over the years in gaining a better understanding of not only HTMA, but also an improved ability to connect dots between mineral imbalances and some of the most common health conditions we see today. 
DNA Tests for Health, Diet, and Fitness | dnaPower
Live healthy for your DNA

dnaPower is one of the first in the world doing DNA health testing, launching in 2008. They saw enormous potential for new DNA technology to help support people’s health and wellness, particularly in the areas of diet and fitness, and are a pioneer in applying leading edge gene research to develop targeted gene panels. They have been providing personalized testing and professional support since then to help people like you make better, data driven decisions about their health. With years of experience, dnaPower helps you apply this knowledge to help you take proactive and positive action for your unique body.
“Incorporating DNA information alongside a person’s HTMA data provides a deeper level of insight and analysis for my clients. Beyond the specific imbalances that currently show up in their HTMA, we can see what health issues they may be predisposed to in their genes so that nutritional and epigenetic guidance can be more proactive and customized. This helps better identify both causes as well as solutions”.

Rick Fischer, Mineral Mastery Program Founder 
"By introducing DNA testing and HTMA insights to your business, you can not only increase your client success rate and improve customer satisfaction but also enhance client relationship and the perceived value of your offering. Our DNA Diet Fitness and Health Specialist Certification will teach you the importance of understanding your client's DNA profile to achieve specific lifetime health outcomes. Further understanding mineral connections and applying HTMA will give you the quantitative mineral and toxic metal data to better understand and support your client's current state of health - what a powerful combination!”

Lois Nahirney, CEO of dnaPower Inc.
Unlock the full potential of your health with dnaPower. Since 2008, we've empowered individuals to make smarter, data-driven health decisions. Discover the most comprehensive DNA testing for health and wellness today.
Give yourself or someone you love the Gift of Health. See our Holiday Health Bundle for more details.