Introducing Our New Video and Podcast Series: The Healthy Helix

We’re celebrating our new partnership with Inagene Diagnostics Inc. by creating a series of informative and empowering videos and podcasts about genetic testing and personalized health.

In “The Healthy Helix – Your Personalized Roadmap to Health,” series hosts Lois Nahirney, CEO of dnaPower, and Nancy White, CEO of Inagene Diagnostics, discuss health through the lens of DNA testing, preventative health, and personalized medicine.

Dive into the first episode of the Healthy Helix, where Lois and Nancy share their personal experiences with DNA testing, how it impacted their lives, and how it may impact yours.

Join our community of empowered customers to learn about the incredible power of DNA testing, bringing personalized health to new frontiers.

Have suggestions for future topics? We want to hear from you!

We welcome you to suggest future topics for our on-going series. We can’t wait to read your topic suggestions, questions, or comments at

Subscribe to receive updates on upcoming episodes.

Subscribe to The Healthy Helix channel on YouTube or subscribe to us on your favourite podcast platform. Listen to the Healthy Helix podcast on Spotify, Pocket Casts, and Anchor Link.

Give yourself or someone you love the Gift of Health. See our Holiday Health Bundle for more details.